Touch Typing Courses for Children with Dyslexia or Similar Assessments
Touch Typing is a Highly Beneficial Skill for Dyslexics and those who struggle with literacy.
Almost every Dyslexia Assessor recommends learning to touch type….
"Our eldest son is dyslexic and through the commitment of Type by Touch is now a fluent touch typist. This has unlocked his academic potential in a way unimaginable before the course.
We have seen him move from the bottom of the year group to mid-top in just two years - why wouldn’t every teacher and parent want this?" Dan Howe, Parent
“Our eldest son did the touch typing course with Diane before going into year 7. He was 11 and has dyslexia, and the long term strategy agreed with his Learning Support is that he should learn to type.
As a teacher, and a mother, I am confident that starting the typing with Diane has enabled our son to get to where he is today – she is a super teacher, and consistently kept him motivated to progress, even when he found it tough going. We are now keen for our other (non-dyslexic) children to learn to type as well.” Elizabeth Wrench, Parent
A Typical Question from a Parent..
Q: I recently had my child assessed for Dyslexia and was encouraged to have him learn to touch type. Please would you outline why this is important:
Diane’s answer:
Computers and keyboards will be here for the foreseeable future so those learning to Touch Type gain a life skill that helps them both in education and their future careers.
Having a skill that allows children to use a keyboard with automatic finger movements that frees them from looking down to search out keys, has a huge impact on the progress they are then able to make.
The ability to touch type will enormously help any child who suffers from any of the following:
Those with poor hand control or who find handwriting difficult;
Those who find it difficult expressing themselves and getting their ideas down on paper;
Those with slow, illegible or untidy writing;
Anyone with poor spelling, bearing in mind ‘Spell check’ and ‘Auto correct’ are disabled for exams. Touch typing improves spelling and the programme we use is specifically geared to improving literacy – grammar, vocabulary and spelling.
The ability to touch type boosts creativity as the brain is freed from ‘hunt & pecking’ at the keyboard, giving confidence to do more things and do them better.
"Quite simply, most dyslexic children report that they can ‘think better’ when they type”
English and IT teachers are as enthusiastic as Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) about the Touch Typing Programme used by Type by Touch.
“A big thank you for the time, dedication and expertise you gave. I really appreciate you giving each member of the course such a personalised and positive experience”.
SENCO Norfolk Prep School, Oct 2021
“If you are dyslexic, writing by hand can be a trade-off between coherence and creativity. Using a keyboard allows pupils to concentrate on the big things… quite simply, most dyslexics report that they can ‘think better’ when they type”
- Louise Green, chair of the Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties
"I am a Child and Developmental Psychologist and have taught in Primary, Secondary, SENCO and FE and carried out diagnostic assessments for the past 16 years of so. I touch-type myself and I can't even remember an assessment report in which I have not recommended touch-typing. It is the most important life skill I have ever learned and has enriched my life enormously. With the increasing use of technology, it is also a vital skill for everyone whether they study or not.
I thought the whole Touch-Typing Course set up looked incredibly professional and made the hall look great too. Well done."
Dr. E. A Salisbury
Touch typing greatly reduces the need for handwriting which is a challenging area for many. Producing work on a computer frees the writer from attempting to process thought in a linear fashion – dyslexic individuals in particular benefit from being able to capture thoughts and then add structure later on.
If given permission to use a computer in exams, the ability to Touch Type will make a huge difference!
Other benefits include:
● Reading ● Comprehension ● Spelling ● Vocabulary
Children are generally aware they have learning difficulties, especially if they’ve done tests with an educational psychologist. One would hope they receive the necessary help at school especially regarding being given the extra time they are entitled to in exams.
The personal attention and encouragement given by Type by Touch to students with learning difficulties can make a big difference to their confidence and ability to learn this vital skill.
“I have achieved great success with the touch typing courses for children with dyslexia that I run. There are scores of children with learning difficulties that I have helped and encouraged to learn touch typing over the years, which has been a huge help in boosting confidence for many of them”.
Diane Gifford